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증산도 도전(道典)127

영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(대학교, 성웅겸비, 능소능대, 기도공부) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(대학교, 성웅겸비, 능소능대, 기도공부)1주의 말씀 : 대학교 The Dosu for the School of Great Learning *DOJEON 6:61 1 In the autumn of 1908, Sangjenim conducted a major work of renewal at Gim Gyeong-hak’s house in Baegam-ri Village of Taein County. 2 During this time, He issued an imperial decree to the spirits and proclaimed, “Hak(學) in Gyeong-hak’s name means ‘to learn,’ and so I now establish the School.. 2017. 3. 7.
영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(해원, 보은, 고난, 척신) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(해원, 보은, 고난, 척신)1주의 말씀 : 해원 Establishing a World of Balanced Yin and Yang *DOJEON 4:45 1 Sangjenim proclaimed, “Now is the age of the resolution of bitterness and grief. Deeply and completely trapped for thousands of years, women have been treated as no more than servants and objects of men’s pleasure, but I shall resolve the bitterness of women to renew heaven and earth in accorda.. 2017. 3. 7.
영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(인존시대, 여자의 원한, 상생,패기) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(인존시대, 여자의 원한, 상생,패기)1주의 말씀 : 인존시대 Sangjenim Proclaims the Era of Majestic Humanity *DOJEON 2:14 1 “Greater than even majestic heaven and majestic earth is majestic humanity, and it is now the Era of Majestic Humanity. 2 Since the Era of Majestic Humanity has now dawned, humans are redirecting the tides of heaven and earth.” Sangjenim Inaugurates Enlightenment into Humanity’s Right.. 2017. 3. 6.
영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(강세이유, 마음지킴, 언덕, 처세의 지혜) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(강세이유, 마음지킴, 언덕, 처세의 지혜)1주의 말씀 : 강세이유 I Am Visiting My Host *DOJEON 2:12 12 3“Now that the end of the Early Heaven has arrived, the world of gaebyeok draws near and the Great Destiny of Mugeuk shall soon unfold. 4 Therefore, be always vigilant to avoid engendering vengeful qi within others, distance yourself from sin, and meditate with a pure and right mind—do so if you would parti.. 2017. 3. 6.