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증산도 도전(道典)127

영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(상제님, 탄강, 상씨름, 포교, 현장중심) 영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(상제님, 탄강, 상씨름, 포교, 현장중심) 1주의 말씀 : 상제님탄강 Sangjenim’s Incarnation *Dojeon 1:10 1 In answer to the earnest pleas and prayers of the spirits of sages, buddhas, and bodhisattvas in heaven, 2 Sangjenim incarnated into the Eastern land, where a new era was to dawn, to deliver humans and spirits, who have been trapped in torment, by bringing to pass a new heaven and earth. 3 In the Hour of .. 2016. 5. 24.
영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(미륵불, 천지일월, 도통, 일꾼) 영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(미륵불, 천지일월, 도통, 일꾼) 1주의 말씀 : 미륵불 Sangjenim’s Appearance *Dojeon 3:211 1 Jeung-san Sangjenim’s countenance was the very vision of that of Maitreya Buddha of Geumsansa Temple. 2 His countenance was porcelain white with round and beatific features. He had a large birthmark between His eyebrows, the mark of a buddha, and His eyes twinkled like the Morning Star. 3 Sangjenim’s voice was a.. 2016. 5. 23.
영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(참동학, 상제님강세, 태전, 의통공사) 영어로 공부하는 도전말씀(참동학, 상제님강세, 태전, 의통공사) 1주의 말씀 : 참동학 The Lord of Heaven and Earth Incarnate *Dojeon 3:129 9 An Eastern Learning mantra says, ‘Si-cheon-ju Jo-hwa-jeong&’—this speaks of My work. 10 I journeyed throughout the three realms surveying them, to address the turmoil in the spirit realm and human world by establishing the Government of Creation-Transformation and renewing heaven and earth. 11.. 2016. 5. 23.
영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(옥황상제, 통치원리, 상씨름꾼, 포교방법) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(옥황상제, 통치원리, 상씨름꾼, 포교방법) 1주의 말씀 : 옥황상제 I Am Okhwang-Sangje *DOJEON 2:10 10 Sangjenim then said to Geum-gok, “Bring Me a bowl of rice gruel.” After finishing the gruel, Sangjenim asked, 11 “Geum-gok, to whom do heaven and earth belong?” Geum-gok hesitated, uncertain how to answer. 12 Sangjenim proclaimed in a voice thunderous, “Heaven and earth belong to Me! I am Okhwang-Sangje!” an.. 2016. 5. 16.