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증산도 도전(道典)127

영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(가을운수, 선령신, 대속, 지혜) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(가을운수, 선령신, 대속, 지혜) 1주의 말씀 : 가을운수 The Age of Heaven and Earth’s Achievement of Their Purpose *DOJEON 2:29 29 “The autumn destiny of all the world has now dawned. 2 I am disassembling and reconstructing heaven and earth to bring forth the Later Heaven, and I shall pass judgments of good and evil, to establish the boundless destiny of the Later Heaven’s Paradise of Immortality. 3 You.. 2017. 3. 6.
영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(봉사, 근면, 제가, 구원) 영어로 공부하는 도전 말씀(봉사, 근면, 제가, 구원)1주의 말씀 : 봉사 Cherish Inconspicuous Virtues (Dojeon 11:43) 44 Taemonim once said, “Your Father came to this world and returned to heaven after conducting His work concerning humanity. 2 Forsaking this virtue or that virtue, I only confer upon you selfless virtue; 3 so, if you wish to follow your Father, live by selfless virtue. 4 Others will benefit, but what remains .. 2017. 3. 5.
Strive to Illuminate Your Mind (Dojeon 11:155) Strive to Illuminate Your Mind (Dojeon 11:155)심통 공부 어서 하라 14 “In the Early Heaven thus far, sublime dao mastery was inspired by creatures. From this time forth and throughout the Later Heaven, sublime dao mastery shall be inspired by the fathoming of the mind. 15 Once we fathom each other’s minds, will we not have attained a paradise of harmony? 16 Ours is the practice of cultivating the mind, s.. 2017. 3. 5.
Heaven and Earth’s Qi Is Received Through Devotion and One Mind Heaven and Earth’s Qi Is Received Through Devotion and One Mind일심정성으로 천지기운이 열린다112 “Any mantra is powerful if you chant it with faith. 2 A maiden who grieved over her lost chance at marriage visited an elderly neighborhood couple who were meditators and asked them for a mantra, intending to cultivate herself. 3 But the elderly couple had recently been quarreling and were still very agitated, so .. 2017. 3. 5.